Buying a new non-fungible token (NFT) can be exciting, but how do you make the most out of the investment? Putting a virtual image on display might sound complex, but it’s as straightforward as displaying any art piece. Use our tips below to find the best ways to display your NFT artwork at home.

Digital Canvas

If you have digital artwork like NFTs, you don’t have to print a copy to put it on display. As the name suggests, a digital or smart art canvas is a picture frame for virtual images. Whether you want to showcase crisp virtual family photos or your latest NFT, a smart canvas provides you with a way to do so easily.

Further, instead of buying a new frame for your latest NFT purchase, you can choose a digital frame that supports multiple images; all it takes is a simple upload. Next, let’s dive into an integral part of finding the best ways to display your NFT artwork: the location.

Art Collections

Thanks to a digital canvas, if you have a physical art collection, you can add NFTs to the mix. As you can see from our smart art canvas selection, these aren’t widely futuristic-looking devices. Our digital frames have a subtle design that makes it easy to naturally weave into your art collection. Instead of standing out like a sore thumb, your digital canvas will be another beautiful addition to your collection. However, as you’ll learn below, standing out isn’t always a bad idea for your NFT artwork.

Focal Points

If you want your NFT artwork to draw the attention of house guests, make it a focal point somewhere in your home. One way of doing this is setting up the digital frame on an uncrowded wall and adjusting the room design to make nearby décor fit properly. In other words, the existing décor can radiate from the art beautifully instead of making the NFT feel like an awkward addition.

That might sound daunting to some, but it’s a straightforward part of enhancing interior design at home. Another way to make your NFT the focal point is by mixing it with your art collection, but with a similar principle as the uncrowded wall; make existing décor feel like a natural extension of the focal point.

For example, if the NFT frame is a different shape or size from existing art frames, it gives guests’ eyes a natural place to start browsing your collection. However, if you randomly slap that digital art frame into your collection with no plan, you risk losing that effective focal point and creating an uneven visual balance.

Simply put, strategize how you can make your NFT and the existing space improve one another. Don’t worry; finding the right strategy requires a careful inspection, not a college degree in interior design. Plus, now that you have all these tips ready to go, you can quickly find the perfect place to display NFTs today.