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Nimbus Frames – Digital Art Displays

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Not Just Another Screen

How much is a picture worth? It depends on the picture. Many of the priceless pictures in your camera are almost worthless because you forget they exist. And sharing them with family or showing them off has always been more hassle than pleasure.

But now you can show your pictures off with pride on the walls of your home, without worrying that you picked the wrong one to print on that canvas. With Nimbus Digital Art Displays you can change the pictures you hang on your wall with the touch of a button. You can also share pictures with grandparents remotely all in our custom app. And if you are looking to showcase some high-end digital artwork or NFTs, what better way than to display them in your own home on a screen designed for that purpose.

This isn’t a TV or a simple digital frame. It’s a little piece of what makes you… well, you. And now it hangs on your wall!

*Shop local frame shops for custom display frame as seen above.

Frames to Choose From

Of Images to Display

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It’s All in the Cloud

The pictures you’ve taken were meant to be shared, not tucked away into a long forgotten file in your phone, out of sight and mind. When we share memories, we connect with each other.

Back when Nimbus was merely a hobby, we hung these frames in our parents homes. While our parents struggled with Alzheimers and declining health, the frames we built eliminated the distance. Especially after 2020 hit. We could connect more intimately and meaningfully through pictures we could share across the cloud.

For us, the essence of Nimbus frames has always been about connection. Whether that means displaying art on your walls for all your friends to see, or bringing back little pieces of visual memories for dear family members, the pictures we share with others help us connect and bond. And to be able to do it easily and quickly, from any place at any time, makes all the difference in the world.

We hope that you love sharing your memories and favorite pieces of art and the connections it brings on your own Nimbus Display.

Frames Designed with Pictures in Mind

If you give an engineer a picture frame, he will try to make it better. And that’s exactly what happened. Tom, our engineer, took the concept of pictures and created a viewing experience that not only shows your pictures, but looks good while it does it. TVs and other screens weren’t designed to showcase your pictures in the quality and clarity they deserve.

Nimbus Displays are crafted to showcase your pictures in stunning clarity while allowing you to change your photos to match your preference without restricting you to small and hard to see sizes. It’s not just a screen, it’s a new way to enjoy your art!