When you take a photo with your smartphone and upload it to large digital picture frames, what resolution is required for large digital formats?
With large digital photo frames, the higher resolution images will give the best quality output. If your smartphone has the option to select image size, always go with the highest resolution available on your phone. When you upload a high resolution digital image to your digital picture frame, your digital frame will display a very crisp photo image.
Smartphones can take pictures in size ranges from 0.3 megapixels to 20 megapixels. A 0.3 megapixel image size is 640 x 480 pixels, a 2.4 megapixel image size is 2048 x 1152, and an 8 megapixel image size is 3264 x 2448. At a minimum, you want 2.4 megapixel image size.
Here is an example of a low vs high resolution image. The image on the left is low resolution and the image on the right is high resolution.

Photo attribution Owen Carmichael, Ph.D.
You can see how much sharper the high resolution image is. The low resolution image shows the pixels in detail. A high resolution image that is displayed on your digital art frame makes a huge difference in the overall image quality.
Another consideration is the aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height of an image or screen. If you use the wrong aspect ratio, you will see a black bar along the top and bottom of the screen, or along the sides of the screen. This means the aspect ratio of the content is not matched with the aspect ratio of the screen. Most cameras allow you to choose different aspect ratios as well as resolution, so make sure you select the best fit to your digital frame. The Nimbus frame has a 16×9 aspect ratio. However, the aspect ratio depends on how the digital photo frame is hung, whether in landscape or portrait orientation.
Remember to take high resolution photos and choose a 16×9 aspect ratio for your digital frame.