Discover what’s new in digital art. Click on an article below to read the latest news, tips, and information about Nimbus.

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The Future of Digital Photo Frames
Digital photo frames that are designed to look and act like conventional art displays are the newest technology to invade your home or office. A large, wall-mounted digital art frame gives you access to thousands of pieces of art. Read on to learn about the future of...
13 Tips Before You Buy a Digital Frame
Digital art frames are becoming a universal decoration in many homes and businesses. The picture quality, digital frame design and set of features have significantly improved over earlier models. When you are shopping for a large digital photo frame, there are few...
Nimbus Frame on TV
Nimbus was featured on TV station Fox 31 Denver. A Nimbus digital frame is a large, wall-mounted digital art frame that gives you WiFi access to a digital art gallery of art collections around the world. This digital photo frame allows you to upload your...
Wall Art Redifined