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The Scream
Famous Art Facts - The Scream There are actually five separate versions of Expressionist artist Edvard Munch’s most famous work of art called The Scream. The first two were from 1893, created with tempera and crayon on cardboard, and they are located in the National...
The Last Supper
Famous Art Facts - The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci started painting this famous piece of art around 1495 and completed it in 1498. The Last Supper was commissioned as part of a church renovation project. The painting shows Jesus sharing a last meal with his...
Using a Digital Art Frame to Stage a Home for Sale
A digital art frame is an excellent addition to any home, and it’s especially helpful when staging a home for sale. When you are selling a home, it’s important to remove personal items, which includes artwork and family photographs. For some buyers, these items can be...
Wall Art Redifined